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Using Ordered and Unordered Lists

Have you ever wondered how to create lists? Or perhaps, how to make a numbered list verses a bulleted list? Heres a quick tutorial to explain. Bulleted lists, or unnumbered lists, are created using <ul>. Here is an example:

  • One
  • Two
  • Three

The <li> is found around each element of the list regardless of type. For example, if we wanted to create a numbered list, which uses <ol>, we would still use the <li>'s as you can see here:

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

Now lets say you wanted a nested loop. The effect is achieved as you were most likely thinking:

  • One:
    • Sub One
    • Sub Two
    • Sub Three
  • Two:
    • Sub One
    • Sub Two
      <li>Sub One</li>
      <li>Sub Two</li>
      <li>Sub Three</li>
      <li>Sub One</li>
      <li>Sub Two</li>

All you have to do is add a new list in each <li> to create the nested loop. Its as simple as that!

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